
Saturday, November 10, 2018

Awra Amba Community, Ethiopia

So after my visit at Gondo I went to see Awramba community, where the men do the actual house hold routines like cleaning the house, preparing food and so on, while the women take care of the other routines for the day. I this community

Awra Amba is an Ethiopian intentional community of about 463 people, located 73 kilometres east of Bahir Dar in the Fogera woreda of Debub Gondar Zone. It was founded in 1980 with the goal of solving socio-economic problems through helping one another in an environment of egalitarianism — in marked contrast to the traditional norms of Amhara society. The name means "Top of the Hill" in Amharic.
Founded by Zumra Nuru, who currently serves as co-chairman of the community, with 19 other people who shared his vision, as of 2016 Awra Amba has some 450 members, and is lauded as a model to alleviate poverty and promote gender equality in a country where women are generally subservient to men.

individual rooms for the elderly

Work shop


Zumra's Wife


 The village is unique not only for its attitudes toward gender, religion, and education, but for the social security it provides its members in need. There are formal committees to provide services which include: education, to receive guests, to take care of patients, the elderly and children, and community health. They have established a literacy campaign for adults, a library, and a preschool. Despite living in a culture which practice early marriage, the people of Awra Amba have decided girls should marry only after reaching the age of 18, and boys at or above 22.

I meet Zumera and we had a small chat about his community and his vision. When any guest arrives one mentor is given to him, luckily for my my guide was his wife. She took me through out the compound and explained to me about their culture work routine, how they take care of the elderly and all other rules and regulations every individual should follow while living in the community.

It was quite an amazing experience to wittiness the role of men and women in this community, while living in a country where all things are monopolized by men and gender roles are so masculine.

They have a gift shop as well where they sell hand woven scarf, bed sheet, and cultural out fits.

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I will meet you in Bahir Dar on my next Stop.

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