
Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Jerusalem, the Holy Land

One of the best benefits of being a sailor is traveling around, getting the chance to experience different cultures and test verities of cousins My ship called one of Israeli ports, Port of Ashdod and I had a chance to go out and visit the epic historic place like Church of the Holy Sepulcher (ቤተልሔም), Golgotha, Mount of Olives (GeteSemeani), Wailing Wall. the Tomb Of King David, and Israeli  & Palestine border
Jerusalem is a city in the Middle East, located on a plateau in the Judaean Mountains between the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea
Old city
The Wailing wall
First the taxi took us to the Palestine boarder and told us to switch to another taxi and that he will be waiting for us around the boarder. The Palestine taxi driver took us Church of the Holy Sepulcher (ቤተልሔም), the birth place of our Lord Jesus Christ, lucky me!! Unfortunately it was December 16thand Christmas was on 24th December, so I had the chance to see the Christmas tree preparation at the gate of the Bethlehem, what a coincidence to be in Jesus Christ’s birthplace by late December such a blessing.  
Church of Nativity(Bethelehem)

After we finished our visit at Bethlehem which lies in Palestine our diver took us back to the boarder and we meet our former taxi, and we headed to Golgotha, The place where Jesus Christ was crucified (የተገነዘበት እና የተቀበረበት) there are many many things to see with in Golgotha, There are different sections within the church which are dedicated for service and mass prayers, among them are Ethiopian Orthodox section, Egyptian Coptic Orthodox section, Indian Orthodox Section, and so forth. In addition to that there is Ethiopian church with in the rare end of the big church.
After Golegota we went to Dare Sultan Monastery, which solely dedicated for Ethiopian monk, nuns and priests who reside in Jerusalem. It’s very disturbing to see the compound the Church, the monks and nuns leaving in such a poor condition.

Golgotha(The Garden Tomb)
Then we proceed to a the Place where Saint Merry Passed away, Currently Catholic Church Owens the place Since 1910 G.C and then we went to See the Tomb of King David, which is located in side  A Jewish church, and we proceeded to see Mount of olives (ጌቴ ሰማኒ), The city have preserved the old culture and antique buildings. We have seen lots of historic and cultural sites. Finally we went to the Wailing Wall, the holy place for the Jewish People. You will be amazed how the Jewish people dress, walk and talk in a decent manner. It needs a lot of hard work and commitment to preserve the heritage and culture for this long without mixing and modifying it with the modern culture. So hates off to our fellow people.
Panoramic view to the City of Jerusalem

Finally we visited the Ala-Aqsa mosque and the panoramic view of the city of Jerusalem. It’s really a unique adventure and feeling to walk in the city where our lord Jesus Christ has walked back in the days. For us it’s a blessing and a wonderful place to see but for the locales it’s just another day to accomplish daily life.

Pillars preserved from the early ages (1st Century)

Statue of King David
[the Tomb is in the Jewish Church behind the wall]
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I will take you to Jimma, Oromiya on my next stop. Thank you for your time!


  1. Magna...Askenashen eko...

  2. My God Bere what a nice experience, love it you make me jealous.

  3. "I have a dream.That One day ..."as Martin Luther said, hope to visit this place. And thank you for sharing.
